If you find anything that should be on the site please send it here. I wanted to put more stuff online but everything fun is disappearing off of youtube.
So you bought a magnet for the troops. I bet they really appreciate it.
Keep your eyes on the door. I do so love ridiculous stuff on newscasts
stained glass in Boston churches has really changed
So you bought a magnet for the troops. I bet they really appreciate it.
Keep your eyes on the door. I do so love ridiculous stuff on newscasts
stained glass in Boston churches has really changed
A list of dumb notes written to excuse kids from school.
I don't know about you but I really like the Apple commercials....in other languages.
So you hear a woman scream and it is your time to shine and rescue her. Best article ever!
Myspace the Movie
"She's got the angles"
Do you wanna see the angry beaver?????
I have been a fan of Don Hertzfeldt work for a long time. This is bit of work he did for an intermission of an animation festival. There are two other parts.
This creeps me out. Mark my words she will kill us all!!!
The interweb has arrived with this fantastic dot com company
Flash Mob humor is wonderful
I have been adding these numbers to my cell for like 6 hours now.
Just awesome....I am mighty finder
Wow this is strange even for this blog. furniture porn. safe for work.
I know I am an apple geek and majorly biased but come on.
Don't look away you will miss something.
Man everyone can understand this guy. He has to be making this up.
Thanks Bud!
I am definitely showing my cat this video.
Watch the chicken in the background.
A Star Wars song done in barbershop quartet
I love this commercial. The best is the first kid to speak. ...and it's mine
Until next time...keep lurking
Be damn proud!!! You had me laughing my ass off. Oh and thanks for the hook-up, I have been looking for an adult sheep finder site. Baah!!!