Friday, November 13

now that is a specific ad

Who doesn't like fried everything? I should have ended that statement with a period.

Fried Chicken is more awesome when you're pissy - m4ww - 27 (Costa Mesa)
Date: 2009-11-11, 11:16AM PST
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I enjoy eating fried/fatty/bad foods. Lately, through conversations with people of the female variety, I have come to discover that many women also enjoy eating the same type of foods when they are on their periods.

Here's what I am looking for: Four female friends (maybe five depending on how long the menstrual cycle lasts) to eat lunch/dinner with. Your cycles should all be offset, although I will allow a little bit of overlap. The applicants must not be friends nor live together, otherwise there is a possibility of the menstrual cycles synching up, thus ruining my plan and costing me a meal buddy for a period.

Foods I enjoy: Fried Chicken (Popeye's over KFC, but it's all good), Chili and Chili on stuff (Tommy's is awesome), Breakfast at all times of the day, Gravy, Carne Asada Fries (French fries covered in guacamole, salsa, sour cream, and carne asada), Chimichangas, and practically anything else that people claim could cause heart attacks or strokes.

About myself: Contrary to what you would think, I am not overweight. 5'6 and around 130lbs. I eat constantly and I'm convince I have a tape worm. His name is George.

Applicants: A little bio would be nice, but I definitely need to know what time of the month you usually have your menstrual cycle, and list the types of foods you usually have cravings for.

* Location: Costa Mesa
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1461462711

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