A new movie is coming out soon and it at least sounds wonderful. It is called My name is Bruce. Not to be confused with They call me Bruce. Essentially a town thinks that Bruce Campbell is actually his character from the movies Evil Dead and they have him fight a monster. It is coming out in September 2007. Thanks David
Really well done, The Star Wars Musical
Fantastic milk commercial
- This is a big pile of cute but nicely done. It is about a new pet snail
- The Internet crash of 2007….Oh the humanity!!!!
- A sad video of a demolition not really working
- A nice little stop motion movie about beer…a bit anticlimactic
- Nice pirate cartoon but definitely leaves you wanting a lot more
- Great Indian commercial…read the info first though
- Children brainwashed into praising the president. I did not know the pres was so thin.
- The Lurker loves him some HALO but this kid is having a problem
- Just the saddest contestant for who want to be a millionaire. What a muppet!!!
- WOW, they itch, will you scratch them?
- There is something to be said about watching others laugh. It makes you smile and want to join in. Some anchors lose it watching a runway model fall.
- A little philosophy and religion explained using video from the South Park creators
- If more halftime shows were like this the Lurker would watch more sports
- Bike jump goes bad
- A video showing how Gmail truly gets delivered
- This is Shaun’s dream to hit all the Starbucks in Manhattan in one day.
- A sloth and girl go out and have a nice date, WTF
- Hit me in the nuts the game show
- Beware anonymous users. There gonna get you!
- This is a takeoff of the old video where the guy gets frustrated with his computer,
- A redhead protest against Wendy’s
- The Lurker has nightmares about this sort of stuff. Pictures of frightening fish…..ugh!
- More children’s drawings interpreted by artists
- Am I wrong or are they wrong?
- This reminds the Lurker of his much hated chemistry teacher
- Get your money out and support this man
- Sand sculptures, really cool
- Why is Lisa Simpson kinda hot?
- Anti bush advertising
- A little creationist gear
- Go ahead and poke at him he doesn’t mind
- Geek sex line…audio only so you need some headphones
- A Zelda game but a bit strange
- cocktail game, you become a bartender and mix em up
- The awkwardness guide
- Fear the gay chicken, this is particularly heartfelt as one of chicken may be bicurious
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