She makes the lurkers picture look tame! If you have no idea who she is then go to Wasting time Volume 18 and watch the first video. Otherwise welcome back. I know this one is a day late and last weeks was a day early. I believe this works out in the end. Also the reason last weeks was early was not through the lurker's diligence but it is owed to the fact that I thought it was Thursday. Thank you all for the comforting letters to remind me of this fact.
Enough about all of this lets waste some time.
To start off enjoy this wonderful pun. The Lurker had a wonderful laugh!
Enough about all of this lets waste some time.
To start off enjoy this wonderful pun. The Lurker had a wonderful laugh!
- Stupid people lighting a fire. The slow mo is incredible. See Nate the Magic juice can be dangerous
- I am drinking milk commercials. A blast from the past
- The true story of the Nigerian scams
- I wear short shorts, an old NAIR commercial
- A funny and then almost sad video called you are infected with humans
- An infomercial about why Microsoft is so cool, featuring the new 386
- A parody on the Apple ads but with a comic flair. Essentially DC VS. Marvel. Not much to look at but pretty funny
- Essentially the last new star wars movie translated into Chinese and then subtitled in English by them. Rather wonderful
- Compilation of stupid people being stupid
- Found this by accident, a web series of Gotham girls. Essentially all the girls from the animated series. Not the best in the world but if you are desperate for the DC universe
- A nice flash video about pills set to we didn't start the fire. I need to record this. Thanks Anthony
- If you haven't seen the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie then you should take Carl's advice
- Safety video at a construction site. Takes a bit to load
- Holy Crap, The video game you all have been waiting for, Family Guy versus Capcom
- Another style Mac ad but south park style...a little slow but funny
- Finally Pikachu in person
- Something in the new Star Wars universe I can get behind. No Cell Phones
- Oh David How the mighty have fallen...to the floor...and oh a cheeseburger...sweet!
- The Transformer's discuss Obama
- The Ballad of the NooB
- A recent but very funny commercial about a singing bunny
- This cannot be freakin true but if it is awesome. Watch this one over and over
- The Wonder Twins in "The Gopher Moat" really nicely done
- Wow that is effeminate. Now the lurker may have acted in the same manner
- Important information for the month of May
- A collection of pics that tell a sweet and romantic story of love
- A map of the Internet, could be useful
- The post office of the future
- Since it is Baseball season we need a new pitcher with strength and a hell of lot of hair. Chewbacca and Leia throw out the first pitch
- Thank goodness there were people to glorify during Katrina
- Colin Sent this in and it is truly awesome. Star wars characters rockin out.
- A set of pictures featuring ironing in unusual places
- A wedding site devoted to the worst in fashion, awesome
- A breakdown of a douchebag
- It only took time to find an easy way of stopping overpopulation
- Ok no more 8 bit games for our president
- Paris Hilton Autopsy....sculpture
- Very strange service. You upload a small file and get one in return. They do not do EXE thankfully. I got mostly random pics.
- If you are thinking of buying a new computer DON'T skip this one.
- Do you think everything is going your way? Well you have limited time. Check here to see how much
- Hot dogs rockin out...I have no understanding of this
- God as a programmer
- How many people died in your favorite movies. A site that keeps track of body counts
- Are you sick of people contacting you through the wonder that is web 2.0. You need introverster.
- A nice way of getting revenge on junk mail..snail junk mail
- Badly written hospital charts
- Iron Hymen, an abstinence pledge
- An ANTI Cilantro site....but why?
- The Christian complaint box
- A must have t-shirt
- So you feelin a bit frisky but are a true geek and remember BBSs then try ascii porn...hot hot stuff. Fairly safe for work
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