Wednesday, February 14

Wasting Time Volume 8

Another Week another waste of your time. It is Thursday and it is time for the weekly slowdown.

A thank you is worth so much…to the entire world.

And speaking of the world, welcome to the the frightening Cat Town USA…Shiver

So you cannot make up your own mind, and then open it up to everyone. Decision by committee as most people know is fast, decisive, and useful….hmmmmm

Battleship, the best of games

I don’t get the obsession with cats. I like cats. I have cats but I do not make up funny statements for them.

Ok this is a cat post overall

So you like star wars and eating organic then click here

So you don’t understand storage space on your computer and you like school house rock then this is for you.

I like Demetri Martin but I am not sure about his part with Microsoft

So ya wanna know the history of personal computing but you do not want to read about it. Well then look at it through the commercials

I do not understand why I think this is interesting. I mean it really sucks…or is it drains?

OK this is strange but it is a list of executed offenders from Texas with pictures. Why is this on the net?

A series of movies by color. I start you on red. That one is funny.

And now a product for the dirty old man in all of us.

I have no idea what this means but boy this person is sexy!

So you do not have a girlfriend, then use this one.

I love this Game. I cannot stop playing it.

Cute funny and a bit dumb. Flash of the Olympics

If you like to shoot zombies that are block like this is for you. no seriously this is fun. Thanks Pete.

Why would you buy that, a look at eBay auctions.

I had to watch this twice. Watch the woman on the left. This makes me laugh a lot. OLD PEOPLE hahahahahah!

So you think of yourself as an artist. Well you are no Jackson Pollock....unless you click here.

This is not the wheel of fish but it is the Wheel of Food. If you cannot decide where to eat then you should definitely try this. Make sure you put in your zip code.

I love bad puns!

Oh Obama you devil...of a smoker. This is the most desperate newscast I have seen in a while

So damn uncomfortable!

I love me some figure action

Lewis Black is the best!

Wow, Vader like you never heard him before!

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