So the other day the Lurker is pokin around on Wasting Time and he spots a new gadget called Followers. I check it out and it seems I already have one follower. According to the info "Ashley rush joined Wasting Time on 2/26/09". This is some new extra social stuff that Google has put out. The Lurker does not do Facebook or Myspace or as the Lurker's father put it any of that MyFace blog stuff. However if you would like to add yourself to the followers list jump over to the right and do so. For doing so you will nothing. However any good cult needs followers. Maybe if I get enough followers I can issue the same hat from the picture that I am wearing and we can call ourselves Lurkerites. "Ites" always seems to make things better. We could also get snuggies. They already look like some strange cult's robes so why not. If you hate this idea take it up with Ashley she started it.
And now Lurkerrites please open your hymnals to youtube channel elithecat and say om!
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