Well true believers the Lurker is back. The reason for the hiatus is that there just was not enough time in a day to mess about with the Lurker page. Also the Lurker was a bit discouraged with the net finds as of recent. Finally some good stuff is cropping up again to waste our time. There are some goodies in the list and the Lurker already has the next one ready to roll. The Lurker has been saving more than even he knew.
Onto the wasting of time.
The Lurker
- Grandma feeds the ducks
- The Lurker had no idea about this video, Attempted pie assassination on Ann Coulter the beast
- Crimes of carelessness
- Another person having trouble with fire
- You never see a female ventriloquist, she is a bit different but good
- Fantastic scary commercial for yogurt…er..eye issues
- Lewis Black doing a Crocker. This time you need to leave Huckabee alone!
- 1-900-nerdgirl
- Nicely done high school star wars duel
- Holy crap it is a Burger Chef commercial. Now the Lurker wants one of those molded plastic toys that came with the meal
- Bugger!
- Call center salesman losing his mind
- Meant to post this for Valentines day but never got around to it, entitled love hurts
- Cj7
- Seriously find her and beat her, the most spoiled girl in the world
- Hilarious and hideous kids science fair projects
- A very nicely done collage of soldiers who have dies in the Iraq made into George Bush’s face called the Face of Death
- Those who play with fire will get burned. The Lurker understood it as a kid how come this guy does not know?
- Nice collection of classified ads
- Under the heading of strange Asians mostly safe for work
- 5 of the best senior pictures on the planet
- A history of people at a basketball game witnessing impending doom
- Great archer game with a messy miss
- Dead wife as a coffee table
- Snake in the grass, just point anywhere. Great while on the phone
- Are you hot for a young celebrity then you need to be patient. Here you can look at all the counters waiting for young starlets to reach the age of consent. A bit creepy
- Simple line shooting game but a lot of fun
- Another one of those cartoon stories where people right in
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