The lurker
P.S. A special thanks to Zack for doing this volumes pic. He also did next weeks too. Click on his site LifeMeter on the right and check it out.
P.S.S Notice the Ads are missing did ya? Well the Lurker got himself kicked off Google Adsense (boo and also hiss) for telling people to click on them. Oh well it is now a badge of honor. Who knows maybe there is a benevolent force that wants to be associated with the site.
I know everyone has seen this but the Lurker loves it
and now what the parent's side
and now what the parent's side
- Sometimes things just workout just right
- The Lurker had to look up what a muffin top was, great commercial
- Now that is a gay video. It is called Bearforce
- I love stupid things at work
- What a cute ...um...demon dog
- I love good computer help
- Oh the future of the atomic family
- Do not eat before you watch this. A burger that is a bit too gross
- Just the saddest commentary on Fox's opinion of its viewers
- Pencilmotion
- Popeye meets the Anime world
- Accidents at home
- A mouse down a blouse
- A frightening man and his ???hobbies???
- Rocky is back
- An Anti pornography video from the 60's
- Snacky's Journal
- Unusual labels from an Asian Market
- When you assume you make an ass out of U and Me, Oh and your cement mixer too
- The jacket makes a definite statement
- A family tree of note- some of the ugliest people on the planet
- A really long and unusual building
- Some have been up before but it is a great collection of wall graffiti
- A rather frightening story book
- Really awesome, name that theme song
- Ah! Yes the planning of grocery chains
- Game over
- A calendar of sexy sexy beach bums
- Some people at the food court eat alone. Mommy can we eat with the poor clown
- Calvin and Hobbes real life snowmen
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