Another week has blown by in this wonderful heat and now it is time to start cooling off by relaxing with a pure icey cold blast of wasting your time.
The Lurker
Side note: The other day we were talking about prostitutes near where the Lurker teaches and it made the Lurker wonder whether you tip a prostitute. And of course once you head down that road you start asking things like what are going rates? I am sure the wonderful wonderful Internet will save us and provide an answer.
And now onto wasting time.
- Samurai competition
- Some really cool children playing some great music
- A video about tossing crack high humans....just except this is our world and go with it.
- OK you are high and need a true soul sucking waste of time, then go ahead and click
- Drum Machine
- Women need to understand their place
- Great web cam video
- Wow this beer makes everyone happy
- Petitioned hippies to ban water
- A rather funny and heavy handed look at the history of Microsoft
- Michael Moore shares his view about File Sharing
- A roommate war with a buttered floor
- Unusual piece of animation about a tribe
- The door
- Chinese Spongebob....hmmm
- If he pitched this way at Fenway he would have been killed
- Unusual video that takes hold of your screen, very unusual
- Old commercial but still great...Cat Herding
- Cats in midair...seriously awesome
- I am sure this started out as a funny idea and now he should have realized that it is permanent by now
- Compilation of bad jobs
- This makes total sense to the Lurker
- You know the pictures of people everyday for a year, this is the same but it starts at 1976 and goes till present, only once a year though
- The future of Main Street
- You just saw the future now see our glorious past
- Time lapse of a city, move cursor around
- Many many pictures but don't be deterred by it try this one
- These photos are awesome. The Lurker likes the wind swept lion
- Lawn
- The Lurker's house has a lot of junk in it but this is superior
- The Lurker was sent this a long time ago by Colin but this is a collection of all the albums.
- Inside the fridge
- Oh the beach with man-e-faces
- Finally us geeks change the tables
- Stereographic pics
- Great timeline of the Internet
- Top ten reasons you are a fundamentalist christian from evil bible
- A Google search for Chuck Norris
- An anti Hillary campaign...just wow
- The Duck Family tree
- cow abduction
- American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention
- An odd clock to leave on when your away from your computer
- Finally the horrors of wireless explained
- The Lurker does not usually do these if you were born in the eighties lists but I liked this one
- I am sorry who are you?
- Zombie help guide
- Elastic threesome
- The Lurker drives like this guy
- Tiny Grow game
- Need your own barcode
- App;e evolution
Knitting (Mrs. Lurker Knits)
The Department of Positive Out of Body possibilities
ReplyDeleteImage Tim Brewer, and you will find it at Microsoft Access World Forum