The first wedding is away and it was pretty damn awesome and the merry couple is off to the land of the aqueduct. Hopefully they are bringing the culture of the Lurker to those in Italy. Check out Shaun and Geoff's pics. Below is the GEEK bachelor party at a wonderfully old local movie theater. The movie was entitled several hours of 10 player HALO.
I know I am going to get a lot of emails about the next two videos but they are about people overcoming the odds.
Make it through the first song and then you have Youtube GOLD. The Bon Jovi song is freakin awesome. If you want to know more about the group click the video and their is a description. Oh also thanks to Jarrod for the submission.
The best cooking show ever. I love the Jelly.
- Tuna Throwing contest, why not
- Welcome to my home. A great voice over. The Lurker was crying and laughing when he watched this one
- If the Lurker had a religion this comedian would be Jesus. Gilbert Gottfried is awesome. fool
- I have been cranky in public but this guy loses it at a hotel......more coffee!
- Preacher preaching at colleges in Florida
- There are certain videos that you can only ask WTF!! but really this one is not to be believed
- Chair dancing reverend....just awful...thanks Pete
- Weird 911 recreation video
- Finally the phone Zack has been alluding to for years
- Really Really good light saber duel
- When life copies family guy, unfortunately this rather uncomfortable.
- Technical with wires
- We have both kinds country and western....and Iron Butterfly
- Stick figures on crack
- A what is love compilation, really very strange
- How to crash a coworkers computer
- A guy watching girls watching a lifeguard who is not watching them
- Russian education filmstrips....nice way to present this. There are a bunch of them.
- Roger Clemens 2057. The Lurker is not a sports fan but this is funny.
- Paris Jail the music video
- Pre HALO photo...just awesome
- Unusual Cloud formations.....thanks Mark
- Nice advertisement...good use of the pole space
- Google's solar project
- Like Absolut and finding things?
- Alphabet of Horror
- Running away from the Camera
- Really cool photos of a newborn island
- Japanese Soft Drinks
- Planned Parent hood comic book
- Even thought the Lurker is not a fan of the Simpsons anymore nelson still cracks me up
- Oh the fashion quarterly
- Not sure about this one but the Lurker would love this in velvet
- Dropkick the Faint...The Lurker has no idea who the faint are but....
- Nice game of Ladybugs
- Spot the fake smile
- Bible fight
The Faint is a band that got me through the years 2001-2003. They have a song called Worked Up So Sexual, which is about working in a strip club, from the stripper's perspective. It's effing catchy too.