Thursday, June 25

a melancholy lurker

A while back I mentioned that the Lurker received a pink slip along with Mrs. Lurker. Both of our jobs are secure. My Library I work for is splitting into two groups. I am remaining with the original one. I have been teaching at all the other branches for about 5 years. I have one more branch to go to on Monday and then essentially I am grounded. The Lurker didn't think he would be too sad but I do find myself in a funk after teaching at the last two branches. I will miss the location and the interaction with all the staff. I wish them all well on their new adventure.
Things change sometimes for the better and I hope that is what this will be for but it still leaves you disliking the necessity. Sorry for the downer of a post but today the Lurker is a sad panda.

1 comment:

  1. That sad panda video is enough to make anybody feel like moping's kind of a sad day anyway, and on top of everything, Farrah Fawcett died today...
